Friday, June 21, 2013

C25K: Week 2

I made it through 2 weeks!
I know that doesn't sound very impressive but for someone who HATES to run,
I am nailing this!
Week 1's schedule was 3 days of
1) 5-minute warm-up walk
2) 8 reps of 60 second running and 90 second brisk walking
3) 5-minute cool-down walk
I just finished Week 2 which was 3 days of
1) 5-minute warm-up walk
2) 6 reps of 90 second running and 2 minutes brisk walking
3) 5-minute cool-down walk
Next is Week 3 and I'll start 3 days of
1) 5-minute warm-up walk
2) 2 reps of 90 seconds running and 90 seconds walking
3) 2 reps of 3 min running, 3 minute walking
3) 5-minute cool-down walk
I'm kind of dreading running for 3 minutes (WIMP ALERT!!) but
I've come so far that I don't want to stop now!
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On my "off" days I do zumba and some kind of
weight lifting every night.

How are you doing?

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