Monday, May 19, 2014

Teacher & Staff Appreciation Printable

 School is almost out!!
I'm so excited for summer (except for the blazing Phoenix heat)!
This year, I left the classroom and joined the office staff at a middle school.
It's been fun but, man,
it is a LOT of work to run a school!
I'm glad that Teacher Appreciation is observed nationally
but there are so many people behind the scenes who help make learning possible:
the receptionist, attendance clerk, registrar, office manager, nurse, psychologist, custodian, advisors/counselors, cafeteria staff, crossing guard, reading aides, math aides, ELL, one-on-one aides, PE~Music~Band~Drama~Art specialists, librarian, technology, maintenance, and PTA/PTO are some that come to mind.
These jobs are vital but largely thankless.
Here's a little something your students can give to these people to let them know you appreciate their daily efforts to make school awesome!
 Simply pick up a box of mini chip bags at any grocery store and attach these little tags:
"You're all that! {and a bag of chips}"
And, "Thanks for ALL you do!" on the back.
 A little gratitude goes a long way!
How do you show appreciation the educators?
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  1. This is awesom! Thank you for sharing.

  2. So Cute! Thanks for sharing! I'm using this for my kids teacher appreciation gifts
