
Friday, October 31, 2014

Friday Funnies: TIME

Since I live in Arizona I don't have to deal with daylight savings.
But if I did . . .
This middle-aged nonsense is over-rated!

Enjoy your weekend, sweeties!
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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Halloween "Brain Food" @ EVMG

My October post is up on East Valley Mom Guide.

This creepy Halloween treat will wow your guests
and add a great healthy option to your sweet spread.
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Monday, October 27, 2014

NEW Recipe: Maple Bacon Apple Bread

Maple Bacon Apple Bread
It actually cooled down here this week!
The temperature was only 85°.
It went back up to 95° by the end of the week but for a couple of days it felt like autumn.
This season makes me want to bake!
Here's a little something awesome that I made the other day:
I'm pretty sure I could eat a whole loaf in one sitting.
I've made apple bread a lot over the years but the bacon was calling to me.
Then the bacon was lonely so I added some maple syrup.
Not everyone in my house likes it (MORE FOR ME!!).
I know some people feel like bacon shouldn't be jumping food groups but I love this stuff!
Here's how I do it: 
Here's how each step looks.
I use a cheese grater to shred the apples right into the bowl.
Your bacon should be cooked before adding it to the bowl.
Make sure you spray your loaf pans evenly and really well.
I hope your family enjoys it as much as I do!
It's a little slice of bacon heaven. =)
Happy Fall, y'all!
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Saturday, October 25, 2014

By Comparison

Last month I was invited to a conference.

I was excited to go because all of the other invitees share my standards and beliefs
I was nervous to go because I have social anxiety issues.
 The conference was held at The Wright House in Mesa, AZ which is beyond beautiful!

So many amazing women were there: Beki from Whippy Cake, Kristi & Kelli from Lolly Jane, Aimee & Bettijo from Paging Supermom, Ashley Cooper from Ashley Cooper Design. . . I could go on and on about the talent in that room!

And then there was me.
 I don't feel like I do (or am) anything special.

I'm like these awesome little cacti centerpieces:
kinda fun to look at but you don't want to get too close.
For the life of me I could not figure out why I was invited.
No one there had ever heard of my blog.
Heck, I not even on Wordpress yet!

A few days after the conference an email was sent out to the attendees with a dropbox link to all the pictures that Red Poppy had taken throughout the day. {She's incredibly talented, too!}

Later, we were sent a new link with higher resolution photos.
I slowly noticed that the pictures with me in them had been removed.
I can't say I was surprised. That's kind of the story of my life.

I had to personally request all the photos in this post.

But no wonder!

This whole conference was about sharing goodness
and uplifting others and
look at me:
"If you're happy, notify your face."
-M. Russell Ballard
I need to work on my happy face!

The girl from Taylor Town Design Shop recognized me because she knew my little brother.
This is me trying not to be socially awkward while I talk to her:
Yes, I have a smile on my face but look at my hand ^^.
Fidgeting, scraping my nails against my fingers, twisting my ring around and around.

Why do I do that?
Because I have this little voice in my head that says things like,

"You sound like an idiot."

"She's only talking to you because she feels sorry for you."

"You're smiling too big; it's going to make your wrinkles show even more."

 "I wish my hair was as long and full as hers is."

"I should've worn a different shirt; one that doesn't accent my squishy arms."

And then I have to remind myself to breathe;
to remember to suck in my gut;
to not trip as I walk away.

But still, why do I do that?
Why do I listen to that little voice?!
Why can't I just be happy being me?

Why do I do that? 
I'm stealing my own joy!
I keep re-reading this post over and over, fighting the urge to delete it.
But I've been fighting the urge to write it for over a month. 

I don't like this side of me but I'm learning to deal with it.

I can't tell you why I kept feeling the need to post this;
I just know that I can't ignore it any more.

I mean, there must be a reason I was there. After all, I was invited. =)
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Saturday, October 11, 2014

New Recipe: Cornmeal Pancakes

Cornmeal Pancakes
This recipe is a favorite at our house.
The Stud makes them SO well; they're one of his specialties.
He discovered the recipe when we were first married.
It's been a hit ever since!
Here's how we do it:
Here's a visual rundown of the process:
And here they are in all their melting butter, warm syrup-y goodness.
I hope your family enjoys them as much as mine. =)
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Friday, October 3, 2014

The Moving Wall

This is awesome.
A once-in-a-lifetime experience for many.
A replica of the Vietnam Memorial in Washington D.C. is here in the West Valley.
"The Moving Wall" is in Goodyear starting at noon on October 2 through noon on October 6. It's located just west of Starpointe Residents Club at 17665 W. Elliot Rd in Estrella. It's open 24 hours a day with tour guides available from 8am - 8pm.
And it's free.
I had the privilege of seeing the actual Wall when I was in 8th grade.
My mom asked me to find the name of a young man who had grown-up in her home town.
My teacher, Mr. Jarvis, used his cane to point to the name.
Leslie Don Moses
Row 12E, line 23.
That visit made an impression on me.
The Moving Wall will hold a series of ceremonies, including:
  • Opening Ceremony – October 3 at 9 a.m.
  • POW/MIA remembrance and candlelight vigil – October 4 at 6 p.m.
  • Sunday sunrise prayer service – October 5 at 6:30 a.m.
  • Closing ceremony – October 6 at 9 a.m.
Please take advantage of this opportunity to remember why we're free;
to show your children what it means to be patriotic;
to thank God for heroes.
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Thursday, October 2, 2014

Pumpkin Ice Cream Bread

Pumpkin Ice Cream Bread.
Yes, you read it correctly. You can make bread out of ice cream.
Can I get a hallelujah?!
You can do this with any kind of ice cream but 'tis the season for
This is the easiest way to get some pumpkin in your life.
It only takes a few ingredients.
 And it's ready in about a 1/2 hour!
I freakin' love pumpkin!!
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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Halloween "Mummy Wrap Race" Game

My Boys love Halloween!
Here's a simple, hilarious game you can play with your little spookies.
 All you need is toilet paper and some volunteers.
Teams of 2 work best.
The object of the game is to wrap your "mummy" first.
The Boys and their cousins were cracking up the whole time!
Breaking out was just as fun!
"Are you my mummy?"
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