
Saturday, October 11, 2014

New Recipe: Cornmeal Pancakes

Cornmeal Pancakes
This recipe is a favorite at our house.
The Stud makes them SO well; they're one of his specialties.
He discovered the recipe when we were first married.
It's been a hit ever since!
Here's how we do it:
Here's a visual rundown of the process:
And here they are in all their melting butter, warm syrup-y goodness.
I hope your family enjoys them as much as mine. =)
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  1. Yummy. I love corn pancakes too. I usually make them with masa instead of regular cornmeal. I've never heard of using boiling water before though, interesting. I wonder if it would make my recipe better.

    1. I've tried the water without boiling it first but it seems to make the pancakes a bit more grainy in texture. Let me know how it works for you! =)
