
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Top 10 Running Songs

After several weeks of running, I'm really learning to love it!
I look forward to seeing how far/fast I can go.
I see a lot of other people when I'm out; everyone has their own pace, their own style, their own system. I'm always surprised by those that can run without music. I HAVE to have music!
I don't enjoy hearing my own panting and struggling for breath; it makes me tired!
I listen to music whenever I exercise. But it has to be different kids for different workouts.
When I run, I like something upbeat; when I lift, I like stuff that's a little more intense
(check it out here).
I have everything from Neil Diamond to Usher, Led Zepplin to Super Junior and everything in between
(minus country: it does nothing for me!).
Anyway, these are my TOP 10 favorite songs for running
{in no particular order}:
1- Lenny Kravitz: American Woman
2- Gym Class Heroes: The Fighter
3- Will Smith: Party Starter
4- Linkin Park: Waiting For The End
5- Skrillex: Bangarang
6- Imagine Dragons: Radioactive
8- 2Pac/Dr. Dre: California Love (radio edit)
9- David Guetta/Sia: Titanium
10- Selena Gomez: Come & Get It
Now, what song gets YOU moving?
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Friday, June 28, 2013


I'm not much of a pet person. But then we got a dog.
This is Miss Nutmeg. She's a Morkie (Maltese/Yorkie).
I absolutely love her! She's my favorite.
Maybe I'm just not a cat person . . .
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Thursday, June 27, 2013

9 Safe Summer Workout Tips

Tomorrow is supposed to be 118° here in Phoenix.
I was happy when I came across this article on with summer workout tips. I was not happy however, when I couldn't pin it because there weren't any graphics.
So here's a summary of their
9 ways to keep your summer workouts safe:

1- ACCLIMATE YOURSELF~ Get outside when temperatures are more bearable to work up to hotter times. Personal trainer and marathoner Carla Branch prepares her clients at least 2 weeks in advance for high temperature events.

2- STAY HYDRATED~ That should be a no-brainer but you might be surprised how much you actually need! Establish a habit of drinking 20oz of water 2 hours before a workout and 8 more just before you go out in the heat; then drink more every 15-20 minutes during your workout. With my diet, I drink 4 liters (135oz) of water a day and really feel the difference when I don't!

3- SLOW DOWN~ When temperatures are in the 90's (or way above!), slow your pace. Give yourself permission to take a little more time. It's ok to think healthy when you're trying to get healthy!

4- WEAR LIGHT CLOTHING~ Clothes should be light in weight to avoid generating extra heat. They should also be light in color to reflect the sun. I'm one of those people that wears sunscreen all the time! But it keeps my skin looking younger. I avoid direct sun exposure during the hottest parts of the day.

5- EXERCISE EARLY OR LATE~ Get out there early! I usually try to get my run in before 6am. Not only is it cooler, but I have more time to get other things done. BONUS!

6- ASSESS THE PREVIOUS DAY~  It isn't enough to only think about how you feel right before going out to exercise in the heat. Exercise physiologist Jaime Roberts says, "It’s very important with those who exercise regularly to take into account the physical activity, fluid ingestion, and diet of the previous day. You could be dehydrated or fatigued even prior to exercising," which happens faster on a hot day. (She's from Texas so I'd take her word for it!)

7- KNOW YOUR ROUTE~ Make sure there's some shade along your way to avoid constant sun exposure. If you live in a dry climate, like the desert Southwest, says Roberts, remember that sweat evaporates quickly. You’re going to lose a lot more fluid exercising in the heat in Phoenix than Portland. And because it’s drying almost before you can see it, you don’t know how much fluid you’re losing.

8- CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR~ There are a lot of medications (RX and OTC) that contribute to dehydration. Even caffeine can accelerate the effects of dehydration.

9- USE COMMON SENSE~ Although "common sense" is no longer common, listen to your body. If you aren't feeling well, even if it's only been a half hour, get back inside. Don't choose the hottest day of the year to try rock-climbing. You want to live to play another day!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Simply Amazing Photo Idea

Recently I went to Oklahoma to visit my grandmother.
We usually go every year but this time, my WHOLE family came.
 It's pretty rare to get all of us together in one place
so we took a LOT of pictures!
This is my Grandma and her youngest great-grandchild, my niece Sadie.
Grandma Nolen always wears gingham. It's my favorite. =)
While they were interacting, my sister-in-law took these amazing pictures of their hands.
I just love them.
These hands belong to my hero.
 These hands have made 1,000's of meals.
These hands have crocheted 100's of baby blankets.
 These hands have lead music, dug gardens, and dried tears.
 These hands have buried loved ones and welcomed new ones.
These hands have paved the way.

It's such a simple idea, and yet very profound.
Please, do this if you have the chance.
They are priceless.
Linking up HERE.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A to Z Superfoods has a really great post about superfoods (including recipes)!
Here's a summary of the list:
Photo property of All Rights Reserved.
A- Avocado
B- Beets
C- Chia
D- Dates
E- Eggs
F- Flax
G- Grapes
H- Hemp
I- Inca Berries
J- JalapeƱos
K- Kiwi
L- Lemon
M- Milk
N- Nuts
P- Pumpkin
Q- Quinoa
R- Radish
S- Salmon
T- Tea
U- Ugli Fruit
V- Veggies
W- Watermelon
X- Xigua
Y- Yams
Z- Zucchini
Go HERE to learn more about each item.

Monday, June 24, 2013

DIY Curtain Hangers

When we moved into this house a few years ago I was happy with most of it.
A major problem for me was the open-arched entrance into my bathroom.
Enter: a quick and easy fix for hanging a curtain:
I already had this shower curtain but no place to hang it.
We bought a rotating curtain arm at Wal-Mart
and I just tied the curtain on with ribbon.
Simple + Effective = SWEET!

Friday, June 21, 2013

C25K: Week 2

I made it through 2 weeks!
I know that doesn't sound very impressive but for someone who HATES to run,
I am nailing this!
Week 1's schedule was 3 days of
1) 5-minute warm-up walk
2) 8 reps of 60 second running and 90 second brisk walking
3) 5-minute cool-down walk
I just finished Week 2 which was 3 days of
1) 5-minute warm-up walk
2) 6 reps of 90 second running and 2 minutes brisk walking
3) 5-minute cool-down walk
Next is Week 3 and I'll start 3 days of
1) 5-minute warm-up walk
2) 2 reps of 90 seconds running and 90 seconds walking
3) 2 reps of 3 min running, 3 minute walking
3) 5-minute cool-down walk
I'm kind of dreading running for 3 minutes (WIMP ALERT!!) but
I've come so far that I don't want to stop now!
Photo property of All Rights Reserved.
On my "off" days I do zumba and some kind of
weight lifting every night.

How are you doing?


When I was a kid, I loved to swing!
I would try to go higher and faster with every pump.

I went to the park recently and decided to relive my childhood
by getting on a swing.

It was not the same.

It made me nauseous. I got dizzy. I decided I'm old.

But it could've been worse!

What's your favorite thing at the playground?

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Cookie Bites by Texanerin Baking

I came across this fabulous recipe today from Texanerin Baking.
She has lots of healthy AND delicious recipes.
This one is a healthy cookie alternative with
This picture makes my mouth water:
You can find her recipe and instructions
The photo and recipe are property of

Monday, June 17, 2013

17 Savory Salsa Recipes

It's a break from tight schedules, short days,
and regular life.
I especially love getting together with friends
for food and fun!
I came across a magazine article while waiting at the
grocery store that suggested using themed food for bbq's.
Then I saw a picture of some salsa.
It's so refreshingly fresh!
So, for your next bbq,
why not have a Salsa Party?!
Simply start here:
Pineapple Habanero Salsa from Shared Appetite
Avocado Salsa from chef in training
Kiwi Salsa from Yum Kid
Sweet Tomato Salsa from Smuckers
Guacamole Salsa from Six Sisters Stuff
Watermelon Salsa from littlebcooks
Tomatillo Onion Avocado Salsa from Amanda's Cookin
Salsa Fresco from This IS how I cook.
Bacon, Black Bean & Avocado Salsa from Miss in the kitchen
Cucumber Salsa from Carolina Girl Cooks
Slow Cooker Salsa from The Magical Slow Cooker
Fresh Corn Salsa from Favorite Family Recipes
Chipotle Tomatillo Salsa from Naturally Ella
Mango Salsa from The Chef and Her Kitchen
Salsa Verde from The Home Heart
Spicy Bean Salsa from Top Appetizer Recipes
Sweet Fruit {Dessert} Salsa from Home Schooled Baking
 linking up HERE
Which one will you try first?

Saturday, June 15, 2013

DIY: Digital Silhouettes

Here's a quick and easy Father's Day gift you can whip up in
5-10 minutes! 
{It will be our little secret!}
STEP 1: Have your child stand sideways against a solid color wall. 
STEP 2: Download the file(s) to your computer.
Using your photo modifying software, highlight and remove
the wall from the background. 
 It should remove about 90% of the wall. You may need to trace out small areas.
 STEP 3: Go to the "Brightness & Contrast" option and turn the brightness down 100%.
 I had a little color left so I just selected it and
 again turned the brightness down 100%.
STEP 4: You should have your silhouette, just clean up (erase) any stray objects around it.
STEP 5: Print onto cardstock and frame it. Viola!