
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Baby Owl Craft @ EVMG

I'm guest-posting on again!
Today's post is SO STINKIN CUTE:
DIY Baby Owls.
How cute are these?!
They're so easy to make. You can whip up a whole parliament of these in no time!
 Get the full tutorial here.
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Sunday, September 21, 2014


Today I'm working on my perspective.
We need more positivity in the world.
Happy Sunday, sweeties. =)
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Saturday, September 20, 2014


I get to guest-post on East Valley Mom Guide each month.
Check out my post from August:
a DIY: Money Jar! 
You only need a few supplies:
It's a fun way for your kids to create a little something of their own.
Get the full tutorial HERE
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Thursday, September 18, 2014

200 Calorie Snacks

Do you ever wonder how much you're actually eating?
Check out this info graphic from
What's in YOUR snack stash?
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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Strawberry Shortcake Waffles

I celebrated my birthday over the weekend and decided to spoil myself a little with these:
Strawberry Shortcake Waffles!
They are so scrumptious!
Here's how I do it:
They really are that simple and that delicious.
They almost make me want to have a birthday more often . . .  almost. =)
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Sunday, September 14, 2014

HAPPY SUNDAY: Roots & Wings

When I was in high school, we sang a song called "Roots and Wings" in choir.
This print reminded me of the song.
I love the message it relays: that those who have gone before us have made life possible.
It's up to us to ensure that those who follow will be equally blessed to know who they are
and who they can become.
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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Nail Polish Shoe Redo

Here's a simple and inexpensive way to redo a well-worn pair of shoes with nail polish!
I know I 've said that before, but truth is truth.
This pair of heels is one of my absolute favorites.
I dig their retro/40's/pin-up vibe!
The problem?
I have worn them out.

Exhibit A: 
Well, I had to do something about it!
I saw some nail polish at the store and thought,
"That's the same color as my shoes I can't wear any more. . . . . ."
I started by peeling and scraping off the tattered heel over-lay.
Then I got out my polish!
This particular, shoe-saving color is from Carrie Underwood's Collection from Nicole by O.P.I.
It's called Backstage Pass {Product Code: NIU07}.
I taped off the edges, upper and lower, with regular masking tape
and started to paint with the nail polish.
I found that I had to work rather quickly because it dried so easily.
I recommend doing a few coats, letting it dry for 30 minutes between coats.
I let them dry over-night before removing the tape.
 Good as new and ready to rock! Woo-hoo!!
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Monday, September 8, 2014

My Top 10 5K Mud Run Tips

With the weather cooling down, 5K runs are heating up!
Their popularity has grown in the past few years.
I did my first mud run in the spring and loved it!
Here's what I learned:
Let's break it down!
1. train first!
Make sure you get in several weeks of running before-hand.
There are several apps you can download to get you on your way. I use Couch-to-5K
2. grab a buddy
It makes all the difference to have someone join you on this journey.
You'll keep each other going AND keep each other accountable.
Plus you'll have someone to talk to at the event. =)
3. wear junky shoes
You will get filthy; like you've never been filthy before.
Some runs have a recycling program that will clean up and donate your shoes.
4. wear gloves
The obstacles are built to provide difficulty, splinters included.
5. cover your hair
Your hair is not exempt for the mayhem.
I wore a bandanna and put my hair up in knots to keep out the mud.
Gun Show not included. =)
 ^^ see why I call my husband The Stud?! ^^
6. wear sunscreen
 It takes a while to get through those 3 miles when you're running with hundreds of other people!
Make sure you're protected with at least SPF 50.
7. bring a couple towels
Clean up isn't all that clean. In hindsight, I should have brought
one towel to dry off with and one to protect my car seat on the way home.
8. glide through the mud pit
Don't try to crawl or push through with your feet.
The fastest way to get through a mud pit is to pull yourself forward with your hands while your feet and legs remain still.
9. buy the shirt
You'll be SO PROUD of what you've accomplished!
Get the souvenir shirt so you can show it off. =)
10. wear light-weight and snug clothing
Besides the fact that you're running and will be thoroughly drenched in sweat, the mud has a tendency to elongate all your clothing. You'll have a good 3 pounds of mud clinging to you.
Most of all,
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Saturday, September 6, 2014

Warped Water Science

The Fellas and I got kind of bored today.
So we played
It's super easy and absolutely hysterical!

You only need 3 things for this boredom buster:
- a mirror
- a shallow pan (or lid)
- water
Place the mirror in the pan/lid & cover it completely with water.
Get your camera ready!
Have your subject lean over the mirror.
 Bump/slightly lift the edge of the pan to make the water move and take a picture.
The outcome is different every time.

 My kids think it's hilarious! 
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Friday, September 5, 2014

Curled Feather Headband

Feathers are so fun!
I like to wear them in my hair every now and then.
Here's how I fancify my feathers.
You can curl a feather with one simple tool:
a butter knife.
Seriously, that's it!
Put the blunt edge of a butter knife against the under-side of a feather.
Place your thumb over the knife and "drag" outward
{just like curling a ribbon on a present}.
I whipped out  several in a couple of minutes,
added a fancy button, glued it to a headband . . .
Swirls of beautiful feather curls for your noggin. =) 
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