
Monday, February 17, 2014

2014 Movie Releases

I've been laying low since my computer crashed but I'm trying to pick up the pieces and blog again.
I lost all the projects I was working on but this one was easy to re-create so here you go!

I love taking a break from reality 
(namely work, chores, laundry, cooking, homework, etc.)
and hanging out with The Stud and/or our Besties at the movies.

I like movies that make me laugh, make me cheer, or make my smile.
Here's what we're really looking forward to this year:
(I tried not to list any rated R movies but some aren't rated yet.)
You can take a closer look here:
January 10: The Legend of Hercules
February 7: The Lego Movie
February 12: Robocop
February 21: Pompeii
March 21: Divergent
March 28: Noah
May 16: Godzilla
May 30: Maleficent
September 19: The Maze Runner
October 3: Gone Girl
November 7: Interstellar
December 19: Night at the Museum 3
December 25: Unbroken

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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Sad Stuff

Trying to rebuild after my computer crashed.
Soooo sad.
15 years of pictures and videos plus all my digital scrapbooking and blog stuff gone. :(
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